Demystifying the taboos and traditions that vilify women during menstruation

About Us

We are working to demystify the taboos and traditions that vilify women during menstruation.
We are continuously looking for better means to letting African girls go to school and stay in school despite menstruation. We are convinced that
when girls know and understand their bodies, they will appreciate menstruation and how to care of themselves when it arrives.
We partner with women’s organizations in Cameroon and Ghana who advocate for the termination of forced and child marriages, and female genital mutilation.

To achieve these objectives; we empower village women through trained local coordinators in the localities where we work. In our absence, these locally known coordinators monitor and support the women.
We educate women on the menstrual cup, which is so appropriate for poor communities in Africa as they can last 10 years if well taken care of. For virgin girls, we introduce washable reusable pads that can last 2 years if well taken care of. Through our seminars and trainings, we raise awareness not only to women but to men who promote these cultural malpractices.

A Special Thanks to Our Sponsors